What is Purchase Order?
Purchase Order (PO) is a contract created by buyer to confirm his purchase of goods or services offered by seller. It has the following information:
Order Number
The unique number identify the contract
Order Date
The date of purchase order
Buyer name
The name of buyer
Purchased items information
One or more items purchased by buyer; It contains item description, unit price and quantity, and subtotal price;
Price information
The contract price such assubtotal
, and discount information if any
Payment Method
The payment method chosen for this purchase order
Shipping Option and Address
The shipping option chosen for this purchase order, and shipping address; A purchase order can contain more than one shipping options
A Purchase Order is generated when buyer confirms his/her purchase of items to merchants and completes PO submission. Each purchase order life cycle may vary and is subjected to the payment method, and the follow up actions merchant or customer act on them.
A Purchase Order contains one or more shipping orders.
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